Online Courses are Moving to our New Platform!

Please complete your current courses by DECEMBER 31, 2024, OR email us at [email protected] to have them transferred to the new site.

Welcome to the course!
Workbook for download
Philosophy and science
Casual Conversation
Casual conversations - Introduction
Casual conversations 1 - Logical fallacies
Want more?
Let's get into the good stuff!
1. LBP epidemiology - part 1
2. LBP epidemiology - part 2 - risk factors
3. LBP epidemiology - imaging
4. LBP epidemiology invasive procedures (after imaging)
5. LBP epidemiology - guidelines
A Paper to Review
6. LBP epidemiology - special tests (last)
Read what we’ve read (optional resources)
Red flags
Red flags 2
Red flags 3
Red Flag Quiz
Optional Reading:
Pain Science and Biopsychosocial Practice
1. Pain science part 1 - The fundamentals of pain science
Fundamentals quiz
2. Pain science - part 2 - A closer look at the biology
A Closer Look Quiz
3. Pain science - part 3 - tissue injury and pain
Tissue Injury Quiz
4. Placebo-nocebo
5. BPS practice
BPS Practice Quiz
6. Casual conversations - part 2 - metaphors
Read what we’ve read (optional resources):
Perception Introduction
1. Predictive processing - An introduction to perception
2. Predictive processing - A Bayesian Perspective
3. Predictive processing - Perception and Action
Perception Quiz
Read what we've read (optional resources):
1. The Common Sense Model - Applied to LBP
Read what we’ve read (optional resources):
1. Intro - Why sorting myth from fact matters
2. Posture
3. The core
4. Safe lifting
5. Movement Screens
6. Spondylolisthesis
7. The SIJ
Read what we’ve read: Peer-Reviewed Paper
Facts & Myths Quiz
Communication Intro
1. Fundamentals and the subjective assessment
Read what we’ve read (optional resources):
Peer-Reviewed Paper
2. Experiential learning
Read what we’ve read (optional resources):
3. Debrief of a clinical example
4. Handling challenging scenarios - lbp
5. Self-care and summary
Communication Quiz
1. Graded activity
2. Constraints-based learning and motor learning - LBP
Peer-Reviewed Paper
1. Introduction to constraint based exercises
Exercises 1 - ball wrestle (1)
Exercises 2 - mirroring (2)
Exercises 3 - target practice (3)
Exercises 4 - stick work (4)
Exercises 5 - prisoner get ups (5)
Exercises 6 - thruster with constraints (6)
Exercises 7 - barbell lumbar flexion constraint (7)
Exercises 8 - dead hang series (8)
Exercises 9 - shoe roll over - exercise challenge (9)
Exercises 10 - get ups (10)
1. Intro to symptom modification and traffic light system
2. Symptom mod low back exercises 1
3. Symptom mod low back exercises 2
Some final words
Almost Done!
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